
We are looking for a postdoc interested in studying tuft cells and type 2 immunity. Mix of open-ended and shovel-ready projects available. Come join the dynamic Seattle immunology community! Details here.

Graduate Students

We cannot accept graduate students directly into the lab, but are affiliated with both the Immunology and the Molecular & Cellular Biology graduate programs at the University of Washington. Please visit their websites for application details.

Undergraduate Students

Highly motivated undergraduate students who are looking for laboratory research experience should email Jakob ( to inquire about current opportunities.

UW Medicine E Building: home of the Immunology Department

UW Medicine E Building: home of the Immunology Department

Seattle skyline

Seattle skyline

Obligatory science-themed interior design

Obligatory science-themed interior design

Aerial view of South Lake Union. Building E just out of view on bottom left.

Aerial view of South Lake Union. Building E just out of view on bottom left.

We have ferries!

We have ferries!

Mt. Rainier

Mt. Rainier